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TOP: Atopic Dermatitis Before Radiance Powder

BOTTOM: Atopic Dermatitis after 30 days Radiance Powder use

Recorded by Clinical Testing body Dermatest GmbH

What causes Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)?

A study published by Bin & Leung, 2016 argues that human genetics play a role in the risk of getting eczema. People with a family history of allergies and those with coeliac disease are more likely to suffer with inflammatory conditions and skin issues too.

The study links several factors to being prone to eczema: most commonly genetic factors, pollution and epigenetics are ‘core causes’ that make some people more prone to eczema.

More generally a weakened immune system, weakened skin barrier function and lifestyle factors can cause a flare up.


How to calm Atopic Dermatitis or a skin flare up? 

The good news is that you can make a lot of lifestyle changes to calm eczema flare ups, or get to the root cause pretty quickly. For example, cold weather and stress are common factors that you can link quite easily to a rise in skin sensitivity and atopic dermatitis.

Other root causes of eczema can be certain foods that you might personally be sensitive to, allergens you may suffer from, detergents or products that may be too harsh for your skin type, even wool and certain synthetic clothing causes flare ups in certain individuals.

As always, we advocate getting to the root cause of any skin issue you may have as the first step in dealing with it properly.

Where to start with preventing Atopic Dermatitis for good? 

As Klarskin specializes in healthy skin from within, lets start with internal factors.

Studies show that genes involved in regulating the immune system may result in abnormal immune activity in eczema patients when they are exposed to specific allergies or irritants.

Considering 70% of the immune system is located in the gut, optimising gut health is a good place to start. We recommend a high quality supplement that mixes microencapsulated and diverse bacterial strains with soluble fibers and diverse vitamin extracts to support several areas of gut health – see the Radiance Powder.

Alongside eating and supplementing for gut health and microbiome diversity, identify what you are sensitive to, what causes a dip in immunity with you personally, test for common allergies, or ask your family about any history of eczema or allergies.

The skin of individuals with atopic dermatitis scientifically has lower microbial diversity and more Staphylococcus aureus, an opportunistic microbe that causes infections.

Improving skin barrier function can be done from the outside as well as the inside.

Avoid harsh chemicals found in skincare such as acids and retinoids and switch to skincare that is science focused with fewer ingredients and suitable for sensitive or inflamed skin types.

The Universal Serum only contains 5 ingredients, 4 of which are already found in skin’s cell structures so it is quite literally supplementing skin back what it needs to build strength itself: zinc, organic sulfur, hyaluronic acid and water.

Silver is added as a healing agent, so positively charged silver ions that possess the antimicrobial effect can protect skin against any harmful microbes in a gentle way. 

Finally we would suggest keeping a food diary to track what you eat and skin reactions. Work with a dietitian or nutritionist to identify potential triggers with an elimination diet. We created our Wellness Journal to help with this specifically, but you can also read our guide on how our team uses the Journal to get to the root cause of any skin issue with an elimination diet here.

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