Welcome to our 28 Day Gut-Skin Reset: Promoting new habits, clear skin, a sharper mind and new habits to start the New Year off right.

Welcome to our  28 Day Gut-Skin Reset: Promoting new habits, clear skin, a sharper mind and new habits to start the new year off right. This reset includes everything you will need to prepare your body for long term clear skin, including dietary and lifestyle changes. We will reward everyone with a20 gift card to our online shop for participating in the reset below.

What do you need to do? 

> We are giving away a FREE Wellness journal with any purchase of 2 products or the starter pack between now and January 14. If you recently purchased products from us, feel free to use the Radiance Powder for this reset.  

> Take a before photo. 

> Use our products for 28 days, and afterwards write a review about your experience on our website. Include a before and after photo within the review to receive your  €20 Gift Card. 

When does the skin-gut reset start and end? 

Depending on when you have ordered the Radiance Powder you can start from January 1-16. If you write a review between January 28-Feb 14 you will qualify for the €20 Gift Card. 

What is a skin-gut reset? 

In order to really see the best results possible, we have outlined how and when to use our products to reset you gut and skin health, and have included lifestyle and dietary tips for you to use during the reset.

Before starting the reset, remember to take a before photo of your skin from all angles today, and set a calendar reminder to take a photo again on Day 14 & 28.

Here is our plan to set you up for clear skin for 2022


> Start with 1 spoon of the  Radiance Powder  on an empty stomach, mixed with filtered water, every morning or evening.  Consistency is vital: if you miss a morning then drink in the evening before you go to bed on an empty stomach. Pause all other voluntary supplement intake (supplements that are not required to be taken by a medical practitioner).

> Start using the  Universal Serum  as a base for your skin mornings and evenings after cleansing.  The Universal Serum should not replace any part of your usual skincare routine, but should be used as an invisible ‘shield’ that will help supplement core ingredients back into skin (that are already found within skin) and build your barrier function topically over the next 4 weeks.

Use SPF 30 during the day, every day.

Please start filling out section 1 of your  Wellness Journal, and use section 2 to track how you feel during the 28 days.

Start changing yourdietas per the below food consumption protocol. 

The first 5 days are vegan as per the below guidelines, and then you can reintroduce high quality animal produce back into your diet. Track the change in your skin in your journal.

Start adding in 1 lifestyle change per day as per the below list. 

The aim is to build consistent habits rather than adopt all the lifestyle changes perfectly at once. Doing most of the list most of the time is far better than doing all of the list for 1 month only then never again. 

> Towards the end of the 28 days:

You should be coming to the end of your Radiance Powder. You can assess your own body and decide if you wish to continue with another bottle or not (this is recommended for individuals with greater internal dysfunction).

It is not necessary to continue taking it daily like the first jar, but adapt to taking it every other day, and then only when you feel like your body needs the support it provides going forward.

Start with the  Reforming Liquid by adding 10ml to water and drinking it after food consumption in the afternoon or evening.

Reintroduce your other supplement intake this week too.

> Continue use of the Universal Serum: the Zinc, Organic Sulphur, Hyaluronic Acid and Silver actives are always useful to supplement back into cell structures topically as they all deplete over time.

> Read over your progress in the Wellness Journal, and the below Food + Lifestyle Appendix whenever you feel like you need to get your skin and health back on track.

If you have any questions about the above protocol or recommendations please email us at  support@klarskin.com




Food Choice Guidelines for the next 28 Days as advised by MD Steven R. Gundry 

1. Try to go vegan for the first 5 days of your skin-gut reset. Focus on consuming more fruit, vegetables and legumes rather than gluten, wheat, breads, pastas, pizzas and sweets.
2. After Day 5 introduce fish, cheese and meat back into your diet. 
Quality over quantity is vital: high quality and organic animal produce is expensive so only consume a few times a week and sub days with vegetables and legumes. 
3. Reintroduce but be careful to not over consume grains and sweets: pizza, pasta, bread, cookies, sweets. Choose lentil, bean, or alternative pastas over wheat/flour pastas. Choose dark chocolate, dried fruits and nuts instead of cookies or sweets.
4. Use organic chopped tomatoes + turmeric, ground chillies, coriander, garlic, and other ground herbs for sauce rather than ready made pasta sauces.
5. Please pause using all nut milks that contain mineral oils (i.e. sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, etc). Watch out for mineral oils in nut butters and other produce. 
6. Watch out for fried foods when eating out (mineral oils are always used and reused).
7. Smoothies, oats, whole fruits, coconut flakes, flaxseed, chia seed, whole grain breads with full fat butter and nuts are preferred for breakfast.

Here are some foods to add into your diet and avoid for the next 28 days
Foods to avoid 

All processed food or food that is not in its ‘original’ form

Artificial or ‘white’ sugar

Sweets, biscuits, ice cream, crisps, etc

Cut down on processed gluten, wheat, flour rich foods such as pizza, pasta, bread, etc

Foods to eat for gut and skin health as advised by MD Steven R. Gundry 

FOOD AIM: To reduce glucose fluctuations (avoid insulin resistance), unhealthy cravings, and build a stable and healthy consistent intake of balanced foods. The aim is not to diet, but to create lasting and healthy changes to the way you consume food and the food choices you make. Try to eat all meals between 9am and 7pm. 

FOOD MEAL PLAN: The following meal plan has been taken from MD Steven R Grundy’s protocol from his book ‘The Longevity Paradox’ P. 297. 
You can pick and choose what you want to eat from the below list (no need to buy everything!). Organic is preferred if possible.

All Cruciferous Vegetables
Greens of all kinds: Lettuce, spinach, chicory, artichokes, asparagus, celery, fennel, radishes, fresh herbs, kelp, seaweed, etc.

PROTEINS (first 5 days is vegan, and then adapt as per your dietary preference)
VEGAN: Tempeh, help tofu, legumes, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds
AFTER 5 DAYS: eggs, meat, chicken, fish, dairy products can be reintroduced

Cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil
Coconut Oil
Walnut Oil
Flaxseed Oil

Fresh lemon juice
Black Pepper
Iodized sea salt
Fresh herbs and spices

Filtered water
All teas

70% + Chocolate
Whole fruits and berries

For extra advice and changes during your 28 day protocol, adapt some of the below to your life and watch your skin clear up faster.

Incorporate a 10 minute guidedmeditation to your day (from free apps or youtube)

Do not use your phone or look at a screen at least 1 hour before bed

> Step Count: you should aim for 10,000- 15,000 steps a day. This can be tracked on your phone and can be in any form you like (walking, running, going to the gym - it does not have to be complicated movement, but movement is key).

> Stress: be aware of your stress levels. Remember that all events that happen to you (good or bad) are neutral. How you react to them and how long it takes you to overcome stressful situations is what makes them good or bad in your life. Perspective is everything.

> Gratitude: Use the ‘best moment of the day’ part in the Wellness Journal to really appreciate the small things, or just make a list of 3 things you are grateful for at the end of each day.

> Prioritize Sleep: make sure you are getting 8+ hours a night. 

> Hot and Cold Exposure: Cold Showers, Hot Baths or saunas and dry brushing should be incorporated in weekly routines

> Connection: invest in a few strong relationships - we as humans are not meant to live in complete isolation. Surround yourself with people you love, and share your life with them.

> Regrets: acknowledge them, but do not let them hold you back. Live in the present and not in the past or future.

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