KlarSkin x Emily Valentine Parr

KlarSkin x Emily Valentine Parr

Digital Influencer | Blogger | YouTuber

I'm an organised creative type. I’ve always been very visually stimulated but at the same time I like to get something out of what Im doing, which is probably why I end up making my creative pursuits my business.

My mum is the same, she’s owned businesses throughout her whole life and has taught me patience and not to be judgemental. 

I think its hard to be a young person and have all those traits because you can be quite self centred and egoistic, but its something that develops with you yourself experiencing the ups and downs of life. She’s always reminding me to be kind and non judgmental towards people which is so important because it softens you - and I have a tendency to be hard sometimes in my business and personal life. 

Skin is what got me started with beauty blogging. It’s a map of your health, your emotions, and I feel it represents the balance of your body and mind. I believe everything is linked and am truly passionate about it so could talk for hours about skincare!

Ive been doing this job for 3 years now and am still so in love with all kinds of different beauty products, but I’ve learnt some valuable lessons. From using rich shea butters and essential oils, balms, natural products, beautiful, expensive, luxury skincare - my skin just had enough at one point.

My dermatologist stripped me back to the most clinical, minimal, ugly packaging in the world!I was annoyed at first because it totally undermines what I love using and doing as a blogger, but at the end of the day it was because of that I ended up with inflamed, thirsty, sluggish, congested skin. No matter how much I fed it, nothing was working, and I just had to reset. Since then my skin has transformed. 

From using really simple and light gel creams it calmed everything down. I was allowed to use the Universal Serum and it suited me, but apart from that it was Pharma skincare and antioxidant rich serums and creams with light consistencies and no fragrance, alcohol or harsh chemicals that worked. It was shocking for me, but now I have my skin back.

Im not a morning person, and am honestly most productive after 3pm. Ive tried to get out of this rhythm but it just doesn’t work and is probably why freelancing suits me so well.

If I am working from home I will have the Radiance Powder when I wake up and work off caffeine after that for a few hours. I’ll have breakfast around 11am and sort out all the unpacking and planning for any content. All the emails and writing I have takes place after 3pm. 

I've been a little stop and start with the Radiance Powder, and it took 2-3 weeks to see a change but after that my skin definitely evened out and became less oily. I don’t really get acne but I do suffer from cysts around the jaw line, and I can honestly say that I haven’t had any since this powder, and winter is the period I usually get them the most!

I take Folic Acid, Omega 3 fish oil, Iron, Vitamin C,D and B12 and Zinc separately also.

If I’m at home I honestly just wash my face. I’ll only do a skincare routine right before I put my make up on, and that takes less than an hour for any occasion. I'm very lastminute.com!

I studied fashion journalism at university and after graduating I worked in experiential marketing and advertising. Ive always been fascinating by the way brands speak to people and how they create a narrative between the customer and themselves.

I went into advertising and moved around, never really satisfied with the workplace dynamic, the hierarchy, and found it hard to do things I didn’t really love - I never really fitted into what is considered a normal job.

After 2 years working as a hair and make up agent for fashion photography, I was running my blog at the same time and it was taking up so much space in my life. I took a leap of faith and went full time. It worked because it had to - I earned nothing at the beginning of stylelobster.com

I put all my energy into working super long days, 7 days a week. It paid off and in a few months I was earning triple of what I was in my previous job before. 

I have lived in London for most of my life now. My parents are Scottish and I grew up in the Caribbean for a few years, but London is my home.

I feel like as a 30 year old woman I've ticked all the boxes I wanted to so far. I'd love to take my family with me on this online journey one day, and think creating content with them would be hilarious.

Apart from that I've always seen myself as a brand - I have a journalism degree but I was never just a journalist. I believe people enjoy the entertainment side to what I do, as well as the opinions that I have. Presenting is something that I'd love to do more of.

I would also like to have a retail outlet at some point and put my energy and passion into something people can purchase - although that idea is still brewing and hasn’t yet taken form.

Definitely stay tuned!

For More Information please visit @stylelobster on Instagram.

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